Usage & Citation

Manga Properties is a fan-run website focusing on highlighting and archiving the stories and creators behind various manga series. We strive to include additional historical context to the materials we are archiving to help provide a more robust view. This can also include some rough English translations and summaries for these sources as well.

As most of this information may not be commonly available online, the materials on this website can be helpful to supplement other projects. Below is our overall guidelines on the usage for materials located on this website and our requested citations if you use these materials in your own projects. These guidelines are subject to change.

When possible, please provide citation/links directly to the page where you accessed the information from. You do not need to ask for permission to use the information if you are following the guidelines listed on this page.

Definition of “Projects”

We define any “project” that you may personally do as the following:

  • Fan or news websites or personal blogs
  • Wikis
  • YouTube or other video platform videos
  • Podcasts
  • Recording (VOD) of live video streams (YouTube, Twitch, etc.)
  • Short-form videos (Tiktok, etc.)

Usage of Rough English Translations

While we strive to be as accurate as possible, many of our English translations provided on our articles are only a rough translation. They may contain errors or some inaccuracies. If there are errors or inaccuracies identified, we will update them to ensure that they provide the best quality information to our readers.

If you are using our Rough English Translations in any of your projects, you must include a link back to the page where it was from.

For videos, please include an on-screen note/text for the source when the translation is displayed. Additionally, a link should be included within the description or similar location.

For podcasts, please include a link within the description or similar location.

For written projects (websites/blogs/wikis), please include a footnote or caption with a link to the source.

The request for this citation is not for “clout” or “fame” or anything similar. This is just to help ensure that if inaccuracies do exist, we can help correct them and prevent misinformation.

If you are creating another language translation based on our Rough English Translations, the citation requirements listed above still apply.

If you create your own Japanese-to-English translation based on the materials provided on this website, you do not need to include a citation as listed above.

Usage of Japanese Transcriptions

In order to provide greater accessibility to the materials we use on this website, some transcriptions of the original Japanese text are provided. These transcriptions are taking the original Japanese text from an image/book and converting them into selectable text on this website. There is a chance that there may be some small inaccuracies with these transcriptions, so please verify them with the materials listed or create your own.

You are free to use these Japanese transcriptions for your projects. You do not need to cite the specific page on this website as the source. You should be citing the original document that was archived on this site in your project.

It’s recommended that you cite Manga Properties as a source somewhere in your project, so that readers may be able to discover other manga series. However this is not required.

Usage of Archived Images/Scans

As part of our archival process, our articles will often feature high quality scans of the material used. This may be in addition to some Japanese Transcriptions and Rough English Translations to provide further accessibly to the materials.

Some of these images/scans may have some minor cropping, resizing, and color correction, in order to better represent the original printed materials. As some of these sources are old, there may be some damage or other imperfections included in the images. Some images may be slightly altered in cases of nudity or other symbolism.

If you are using our images/scans for your project, please include a citation back to the specific page where it originated from. This can be a link listed in a description or noted as a footnote/caption.

Please do not add your own watermark to these images.

If your project requires even higher quality, or un-edited versions of these images/scans, you can reach out to us, and we may be able to assist.

Unacceptable Uses

The following are unacceptable uses for the content of this website:

  • Usage for large-scale data models (AI, etc.)
  • Complete reposting of content pages
  • Selling or repackaging this content for sale
  • Reposting via an automatic audio-narration feed

Let Us Know About Your Project!

The resources provided on this website, and the citation requirements above, are designed in a way to be as friendly and transparent for usage as possible to further help your projects. So if you do use them for your projects, please let us know so we can see the work you are doing! You can reach out to us in the following ways:

Twitter/X: @MangaProperties

BlueSky: @Manga.Properties

If you need any further clarification on the usage or citation listed, please reach out to us. If you would like to learn more about our site, or be a guest on your podcast, please reach out to us as well!