Monthly Corocoro Comic – Author Comments Database

The following is a partial database of the author comments from the Monthly Corocoro Comic (月刊コロコロコミック) magazine. Every month, the magazine asks the mangaka a question which they respond to in the Table of Contents (ToC) found at the back of each issue. A rough English translation is provided below along with a transcription of the original Japanese text. Please see our Usage and Citations page for more information if you want to use this resource for your own projects.

wdt_ID wdt_created_by wdt_created_at wdt_last_edited_by wdt_last_edited_at Year Month Issue # Order Series (English) Author (English) Question (English) Answer (English) Series (Japanese) Author (Japanese) Question (Japanese) Answer (Japanese)
1851 Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM 2021 July (7) 519 0 What! Dangerous Grandpa Kazutoshi Soyama Sensei, tell us how you relieve your stress! Splashing the water in a bath. なんと! でんぢゃらすじーさん 曽山一寿 先生のストレス解消法を教えてください! お風呂でお湯を殴る。
1852 Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM 2021 July (7) 519 0 Black Channel Satoshi Kisaichi Sensei, tell us how you relieve your stress! Taking a walk along the Tamagawa Aqueduct! Look out for lizards. They'll sit in sunny spots. ブラックチャンネル きさいちさとし 先生のストレス解消法を教えてください! 玉川上水の自然を散歩!トカゲちゃんを探します。陽の当たるところにいます。
1853 Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM 2021 July (7) 519 1 Chain Rencer Mizuno Teruaki Sensei, tell us how you relieve your stress! I go on walks to refresh myself for Chain Rencer! Please support us! チェインレンサー 水野輝昭 先生のストレス解消法を教えてください! 散歩で気分転換しつつチェインレンサー頑張ります!応援よろしくね!
1854 Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM 2021 July (7) 519 2 Caramel Caramel Sensei, tell us how you relieve your stress! I relieve stress by fantasizing about a school where all the girls in my class are in love with me. からめる からめる 先生のストレス解消法を教えてください! クラスの女子全員ボクの事が好きな学園の妄想でストレス解消しています。
1855 Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM 2021 July (7) 519 3 I'm The One Who is Normal-kun Kazuki Nakamura Sensei, tell us how you relieve your stress! I don't normally get stressed, but if I had to pick something, it would be reading manga! オレだけはマトモくん 中村夏寿紀 先生のストレス解消法を教えてください! 普段ストレスを感じることがあまりありませんが、しいて言えばまんがを読むことです!
1856 Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM 2021 July (7) 519 4 Manga! The Battle Cats Yorozuya Fujiminosuke Sensei, tell us how you relieve your stress! Taking a hot bath always refreshes me! まんがで!にゃんこ大戦争 萬屋不死身之介 先生のストレス解消法を教えてください! あっつい風呂に入るとスッキリします!
1857 Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM 2021 July (7) 519 5 Muteki Shinnosuke Tsuchida Sensei, tell us how you relieve your stress! [No Comment] ムテキ 土田しんのすけ 先生のストレス解消法を教えてください! [No Comment]
1858 Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM 2021 July (7) 519 6 Rich Police Cash! Sakuya Kurota Sensei, tell us how you relieve your stress! My favorite things to do are to have a bonfire at a campsite and soak in the public bath onsens! And then I play games all day!! リッチ警官 キャッシュ! 黒田さくや 先生のストレス解消法を教えてください! キャンプで焚き火して銭湯で温泉につかることです!あとは1日中ゲーム!!
1859 Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM 2021 July (7) 519 7 Minecraft: Journey to the World's End Kazuyoshi Seto Sensei, tell us how you relieve your stress! By watching the demo video on incredibly large and expensive TVs at the electronics store. マインクラフト ~世界の果てへの旅~ 瀬戸カズヨシ 先生のストレス解消法を教えてください! 電気屋さんで、最新のめちゃくちゃ大きくて高いテレピのデモ映像を見ること。
1860 Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM 2021 July (7) 519 8 Keshikasu-kun Noriyuki Murase Sensei, tell us how you relieve your stress! I'll just defy it. My true ability is revealed when I can negate the things happening to me. ケシカスくん 村瀬範行 先生のストレス解消法を教えてください! 開き直りです。もうどうなってもええわ、となってからが僕の真の実力です。
1861 Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM 2021 July (7) 519 9 Kirby of the Stars: Manpuku Pupupu Fantasy Ibuki Takeuchi Sensei, tell us how you relieve your stress! Cooking!! I always try to make Ryuji's Buzz Recipes from YouTube. 星のカービィ〜まんぷくプププファンタジー〜 武内いぶき 先生のストレス解消法を教えてください! 料理です!! いつもYouTube「リュウジのバズレシピ」をまねしてます。
1862 Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM 2021 July (7) 519 10 Duel Masters King Shigenobu Matsumoto Sensei, tell us how you relieve your stress! I recently bought a terrific insect book, and it is therapeutic to look at. デュエル・マスターズキング 松本しげのぶ 先生のストレス解消法を教えてください! 最近凄い昆虫図鑑を買って、それを見てると癒やされます。
1863 Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM 2021 July (7) 519 11 Liar Gokuo-kun Makoto Yoshimoto Sensei, tell us how you relieve your stress! Just fiddling with a game controller! It's so relaxing! ウソツキ! ゴクオーくん 吉もと誠 先生のストレス解消法を教えてください! ゲームのコントローラーだけをガシガシいじること!なんかスッキリします!
1864 Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM 2021 July (7) 519 12 Splatoon Sankichi Hinodeya Sensei, tell us how you relieve your stress! Walking. I get to move my body and enjoy the scenery, so I feel a bit refreshed. スプラトゥーン ひのでや参吉 先生のストレス解消法を教えてください! 散歩です。体も動かせるし、景色も見られるので少しスッキリする気がします。
1865 Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM 2021 July (7) 519 13 Fortnite Naoto Katsumi Sensei, tell us how you relieve your stress! Getting a Victory Royale! It's usually hard to get it, so I'm happy when it happens☆ フォートナイト 勝見直人 先生のストレス解消法を教えてください! ビクロイをとること! 普段なかなかとれないので、とれた時は嬉しいです☆
1866 Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM 2021 July (7) 519 14 Big Cedar Decca-kun Kanaki Azuma Sensei, tell us how you relieve your stress! Drink coffee! It's a shame that when I drink too much I'll sometimes get a stomach ache. デカ杉デッカくん あずまかなき 先生のストレス解消法を教えてください! コーヒーを飲む! 飲み過ぎてたまに胃が痛くなることは困りものですが。
1867 Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM 2021 July (7) 519 15 Pokémon Machito Gomi Sensei, tell us how you relieve your stress! Playing with my dog! But I get stressed out when they destroy their new toy within seconds (laughs)! ポケットモンスター 五味まちと 先生のストレス解消法を教えてください! 犬と遊ぶこと! 新品のおもちゃを秒で壊されるとストレスが溜まります(笑)!
1868 Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM 2021 July (7) 519 16 Animal Crossing: New Horizons - Deserted Island Diary Kokonasu ☆ Rumba Sensei, tell us how you relieve your stress! The Golden Bomber's live show! Laugh, dance, and get refreshed!!! あつまれどうぶつの森~無人島Diary~ ココナス☆ルンバ 先生のストレス解消法を教えてください! ゴールデンボンバーのライブ! 笑って踊って最高にスカッとします!!!
1869 Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM 2021 July (7) 519 17 Yo-Kai Watch Noriyuki Konishi Sensei, tell us how you relieve your stress! Driving. I go out aimlessly, get lost, and then use the navigation system to find my way back. 妖怪ウォッチ 小西紀行 先生のストレス解消法を教えてください! ドライブ。あてもなくフラフラ出かけて、道に迷ってナビで帰ってきます。
1870 Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM 2021 July (7) 519 18 Beyblade Burst Morita Hiro Sensei, tell us how you relieve your stress! Jogging and walking. Even just for an hour is enough to clear your mind! ベイブレードバースト 森多ヒロ 先生のストレス解消法を教えてください! ジョギングと散歩です。1時間でも走ると頭がスッキリしますよ!
1871 Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM 2021 July (7) 519 19 Ninjala Yoh Kanebayashi Sensei, tell us how you relieve your stress! Deep ☆ Sleep ニンジャラ 金林洋 先生のストレス解消法を教えてください! 爆☆睡
1872 Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM 2021 July (7) 519 20 Zoids Wild 2+ Moricha Sensei, tell us how you relieve your stress! I've been staring at this stone for a long time. Staring~~~~~~~. Thank you for your support! ゾイドワイルド2+ 森茶 先生のストレス解消法を教えてください! 石をずっと見つめてます。じ〜〜〜〜〜〜〜。応援ありがとうございました!
1873 Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM 2021 July (7) 519 21 Super Mario-kun Yukio Sawada Sensei, tell us how you relieve your stress! I talk a lot! Sorry if I talk too much and bother you. スーパーマリオくん 沢田ユキオ 先生のストレス解消法を教えてください! たくさんしゃべること!しゃべりすぎて、ご迷惑をかけていたらすみません。
1874 Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM 2021 August (8) 520 1 MINI4KING Yuki Imada Concept: Hiroyuki Takei We're breaking into a cold sweat! Sensei, tell us about your scary experiences! [No Comment] MINI4KING 今田ユウキ 原案/武井宏之 冷や汗がタラリ! 先生の恐怖体験を教えてください! [No Comment]
1875 Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM 2021 August (8) 520 2 Muteki Shinnosuke Tsuchida We're breaking into a cold sweat! Sensei, tell us about your scary experiences! I spilled ink on my manuscript. But, it's not a big deal. Please send me your thoughts on the new series "Muteki"! ムテキ 土田しんのすけ 冷や汗がタラリ! 先生の恐怖体験を教えてください! 原稿にインクをこぼした。が、たいしたことはない。新連載「ムテキ」の感想を送ってね!
1876 Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM 2021 August (8) 520 3 Keshikasu-kun Noriyuki Murase We're breaking into a cold sweat! Sensei, tell us about your scary experiences! I was horrified when my son and I were skipping stones by the water and one slipped out of my hand and grazed his body. ケシカスくん 村瀬範行 冷や汗がタラリ! 先生の恐怖体験を教えてください! 水切りの石投げで、手が滑って石が息子の横をカスめた時はゾッとしました。
1877 Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM 2021 August (8) 520 4 What! Dangerous Grandpa Kazutoshi Soyama We're breaking into a cold sweat! Sensei, tell us about your scary experiences! After eating the pudding, I realized that the expiration date passed a long time ago…. なんと! でんぢゃらすじーさん 曽山一寿 冷や汗がタラリ! 先生の恐怖体験を教えてください! プリンを食べた後に賞味期限がめちゃくちゃすぎていたのに気づいた・・・。
1878 Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM 2021 August (8) 520 5 Caramel Caramel We're breaking into a cold sweat! Sensei, tell us about your scary experiences! I was once bitten in the balls by a rabbit. からめる からめる 冷や汗がタラリ! 先生の恐怖体験を教えてください! キンタマをウサギに噛まれたことがあります。
1879 Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM 2021 August (8) 520 6 Kirby of the Stars: Manpuku Pupupu Fantasy Ibuki Takeuchi We're breaking into a cold sweat! Sensei, tell us about your scary experiences! Late at night… I suddenly felt a chill run down my leg…. Scary………………! (It was my ice cream I was eating that fell.) 星のカービィ〜まんぷくプププファンタジー〜 武内いぶき 冷や汗がタラリ! 先生の恐怖体験を教えてください! 深夜・・・急に足が「ヒヤッ」っと・・・。怖………………!(食ってたアイス落ちただけ。)
1880 Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM 2021 August (8) 520 7 I'm The One Who is Normal-kun Kazuki Nakamura We're breaking into a cold sweat! Sensei, tell us about your scary experiences! I'm always terrified when I find a huge bug in my room! Gaaa~! オレだけはマトモくん 中村夏寿紀 冷や汗がタラリ! 先生の恐怖体験を教えてください! 部屋で大きい虫に遭遇したときはいつだって恐怖です! ひ〜っ!
1881 Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM 2021 August (8) 520 8 Black Channel Satoshi Kisaichi We're breaking into a cold sweat! Sensei, tell us about your scary experiences! I was spending the night at one of the refuge huts at Ippaimizu in Okutama. I was sharing a room with an old man who had a really creepy smile. It was a terrifying night. ブラックチャンネル きさいちさとし 冷や汗がタラリ! 先生の恐怖体験を教えてください! 奥多摩の一杯水避難小屋に一泊。笑顔が超不気味なおじさんと同室。恐怖の夜でした。
1882 Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM 2021 August (8) 520 9 Manga! The Battle Cats Yorozuya Fujiminosuke We're breaking into a cold sweat! Sensei, tell us about your scary experiences! When I spilled coffee on my computer, I made a strange noise that I never done before. まんがで!にゃんこ大戦争 萬屋不死身之介 冷や汗がタラリ! 先生の恐怖体験を教えてください! コーヒーをパソコンの上にこぼした時。普段出さない変な声出ます。
1883 Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM 2021 August (8) 520 10 Minecraft: Journey to the World's End Kazuyoshi Seto We're breaking into a cold sweat! Sensei, tell us about your scary experiences! I had a part-time job, and then I got a call asking why I didn't come in? I thought I had the day off. マインクラフト ~世界の果てへの旅~ 瀬戸カズヨシ 冷や汗がタラリ! 先生の恐怖体験を教えてください! アルバイトで、休みだと思ってたら、なんで来ないの?って電話来た時です。
1884 Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM 2021 August (8) 520 11 Chain Rencer Mizuno Teruaki We're breaking into a cold sweat! Sensei, tell us about your scary experiences! I had a scare once when my son almost ran out onto the road with oncoming traffic. チェインレンサー 水野輝昭 冷や汗がタラリ! 先生の恐怖体験を教えてください! 車が来てるのに息子が道路を飛び出しそうになったときはヒヤリとしました。
1885 Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM 2021 August (8) 520 12 Rich Police Cash! Sakuya Kurota We're breaking into a cold sweat! Sensei, tell us about your scary experiences! I couldn't finish the manuscript until the very last minute, and I was so scared that I broke out in a cold sweat and tears… リッチ警官 キャッシュ! 黒田さくや 冷や汗がタラリ! 先生の恐怖体験を教えてください! 締め切りギリギリまで原稿ができなくて、恐怖で冷や汗と涙を流しました・・・。
1886 Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM 2021 August (8) 520 13 Duel Masters King Shigenobu Matsumoto We're breaking into a cold sweat! Sensei, tell us about your scary experiences! Last year I had an accident (collision with a 4-ton truck). I thought my career as a mangaka was over. デュエル・マスターズキング 松本しげのぶ 冷や汗がタラリ! 先生の恐怖体験を教えてください! 去年事故にあった (4tと衝突)。漫画家生活終わるかと思いました。
1887 Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM 2021 August (8) 520 14 Big Cedar Decca-kun Kanaki Azuma We're breaking into a cold sweat! Sensei, tell us about your scary experiences! When I turned on the air conditioner once, a cockroach flew in on the breeze…! I was very surprised. デカ杉デッカくん あずまかなき 冷や汗がタラリ! 先生の恐怖体験を教えてください! エアコンをつけたら、風とともにゴキブリが飛来・・・!さすがに驚きました。
1888 Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM 2021 August (8) 520 15 Super Mario-kun Yukio Sawada We're breaking into a cold sweat! Sensei, tell us about your scary experiences! The day before Wonder Hobby Festival, I heard Buddhist chanting in the hotel I was staying at through the night. What was that all about!? スーパーマリオくん 沢田ユキオ 冷や汗がタラリ! 先生の恐怖体験を教えてください! WHFの前日、泊まったホテルで深夜ずっとお経が聞こえてきた。何だったの!?
1889 Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM 2021 August (8) 520 16 Fortnite Naoto Katsumi We're breaking into a cold sweat! Sensei, tell us about your scary experiences! Once I found a centipede in my room. I tried to use various items to get it out, since I didn't want to touch it!! フォートナイト 勝見直人 冷や汗がタラリ! 先生の恐怖体験を教えてください! 部屋にムカデがいたとき。物を使って外に出しましたが手で触るのは危険です!!
1890 Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM 2021 August (8) 520 17 Beyblade Burst Morita Hiro We're breaking into a cold sweat! Sensei, tell us about your scary experiences! When I driving my car and got stuck in traffic, I had the strong urge to go to the bathroom. I held it in as long as I could. (laughs) ベイブレードバースト 森多ヒロ 冷や汗がタラリ! 先生の恐怖体験を教えてください! 交通渋滞で全く車が動かないのに猛烈にトイレに行きたくなった時。限界まで我慢しました(笑)
1891 Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM 2021 August (8) 520 18 Ninjala Yoh Kanebayashi We're breaking into a cold sweat! Sensei, tell us about your scary experiences! The fear of completely forgetting a deadline makes me break out in a cold sweat. ニンジャラ 金林洋 冷や汗がタラリ! 先生の恐怖体験を教えてください! 締め切りをド忘れしたときの恐怖は冷や汗ダラダラですね。
1892 Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM 2021 August (8) 520 19 Liar Gokuo-kun Makoto Yoshimoto We're breaking into a cold sweat! Sensei, tell us about your scary experiences! I went out to buy milk but only ended up buying snacks and ice cream! ウソツキ! ゴクオーくん 吉もと誠 冷や汗がタラリ! 先生の恐怖体験を教えてください! 牛乳買いに出かけたのにお菓子とアイスだけ買って帰ってきてしまった時です!
1893 Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM 2021 August (8) 520 20 Splatoon Sankichi Hinodeya We're breaking into a cold sweat! Sensei, tell us about your scary experiences! When I was in high school, I forgot about a test that was scheduled on a holiday and stayed home. I turned pale…. スプラトゥーン ひのでや参吉 冷や汗がタラリ! 先生の恐怖体験を教えてください! 高校生の時、休日にあった検定を忘れて家にいたこと。青ざめました・・・。
1894 Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM 2021 August (8) 520 21 Animal Crossing: New Horizons - Deserted Island Diary Kokonasu ☆ Rumba We're breaking into a cold sweat! Sensei, tell us about your scary experiences! When I opened the stall door in a restroom at a certain train stations, I saw a doll with a bob haircut and wearing a kimono looking back at me. あつまれどうぶつの森~無人島Diary~ ココナス☆ルンバ 冷や汗がタラリ! 先生の恐怖体験を教えてください! 某駅トイレの個室をあけたら着物でおかっぱ頭の人形が立ってました。
1895 Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM 2021 August (8) 520 22 Pokémon Machito Gomi We're breaking into a cold sweat! Sensei, tell us about your scary experiences! Previously, I was terrified when I was outside and I looked at my fingers and saw a huge spider on them…. ポケットモンスター 五味まちと 冷や汗がタラリ! 先生の恐怖体験を教えてください! 後、外でふと手先を見たらでっかいクモがついてたのは恐怖でした・・・。
1896 Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM 2021 August (8) 520 23 Yo-Kai Watch Noriyuki Konishi We're breaking into a cold sweat! Sensei, tell us about your scary experiences! When I get the name wrong on a shikishi, it goes well beyond fear into despair…. 妖怪ウォッチ 小西紀行 冷や汗がタラリ! 先生の恐怖体験を教えてください! カラーサイン色紙の宛名を間違えた時は、恐怖を超えて絶望です・・・。
1897 Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM 2021 September (9) 521 0 MINI4KING Yuki Imada Concept: Hiroyuki Takei Summer is made for adventures! Sensei, what was the greatest adventure in your life? I wanted to try a huge Baumkuchen, so I bought one the size of a washbasin. MINI4KING 今田ユウキ 原案/武井宏之 夏は冒険だ!先生の人生最大の冒険はなんですか? でっかいバームクーヘンを食べてみたくて、洗面器くらいのを買っちゃったとき。
1898 Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM 2021 September (9) 521 0 Black Channel Satoshi Kisaichi Summer is made for adventures! Sensei, what was the greatest adventure in your life? Running through all 100 of the Southern Alps' most famous mountains! ブラックチャンネル きさいちさとし 夏は冒険だ!先生の人生最大の冒険はなんですか? 南アルプス全百名山縱走!
1899 Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM 2021 September (9) 521 1 Muteki Shinnosuke Tsuchida Summer is made for adventures! Sensei, what was the greatest adventure in your life? I quit the company I worked for about 10 years ago. But it's not a big deal. ムテキ 土田しんのすけ 夏は冒険だ!先生の人生最大の冒険はなんですか? 10年くらい前に就職してた会社を辞めたこと。が、たいしたことはない。
1900 Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM Andy 06/22/2024 01:49 PM 2021 September (9) 521 2 I'm The One Who is Normal-kun Kazuki Nakamura Summer is made for adventures! Sensei, what was the greatest adventure in your life? Back in Elementary school, I played tag in an apartment building that looked like a fortress! オレだけはマトモくん 中村夏寿紀 夏は冒険だ!先生の人生最大の冒険はなんですか? 小学生の頃、要塞みたいなマンションで鬼ごっこをしたことがあります!
Year Month Issue # Order Series (English) Author (English) Question (English) Answer (English) Series (Japanese) Author (Japanese) Question (Japanese) Answer (Japanese)

About the Database

Series Titles

As many of the titles have not been released in English yet, there is some inconsistency with the naming convention for the titles listed in the database. For this database the following naming rules were used (in order):

  1. Official English title (when not in a compilation)
  2. English translation of the title
  3. Romanization of the title

For example, the title is listed as Super Mario-Kun rather than Viz’s title of Super Mario Manga Mania, as that was a standalone collection of chapters, rather than the actual title of the on-going series. While Animal Crossing: New Horizons – Deserted Island Diary is listed instead of a more literal title of Animal Forest, as the entire series was released by Viz in English and follows the standardized naming convention for the games. Within the author comments, if they made references to other games and movies, it follows the same naming convention.


Authors are named in western style (First then Last name) in the database within the English column as this is how they are most commonly displayed on books in English. The author column retains their original name order in the Japanese language column has that is how it was presented.

Question and Answer Rough Translations

The questions and answers have rough English translations provided. As these have not been professional translated and the nature of translation could have different interpretations, there may be some minor inaccuracies listed within them. For this reason, the original Japanese text is transcribed and provided in this database to allow for easier validation. If you notice a significant error in the rough English translation, please reach out to us so a correction can be made. With these comments being very short, sometimes there may references or context that was missed.

Some commonly used words in manga, such as “mangaka” (a manga artist) and honorifics are included in these rough English translations. Additionally any additional symbols (such as ☆), and catch-phrase sound-effects are used in the rough English translations as well, which may not always follow English grammar rules.

When there is no comment listed, it is listed as [No Comment] in the database.

In the January issues (and some other special months), there is a special message written. This includes a phrase, followed by the author’s comment. To separate this in the database, quotes (” “) are used to identify the first phrase, followed by the author’s comment.


On the Author Comments page, the main manga series within the issue are presented with the author’s comments and the starting page for each series. Some issues have pack-in bonuses which can include manga chapters not included in the bound book. Any of those series that do not have a starting page number in the book for this reason are listed with an order number of 0. Then the remaining series are listed in order, starting with 1. If a series has multiple chapters within an issue, it is listed by where it is listed on the table of contents.

The order that the series are listed in the magazine are not representative of a “ranking” where the most popular series are listed first the issue. There maybe be some tangential or hypothetical information that could be extrapolated from that listed order, so it is provided in the database for reference as well as a way to identify series that were the pack-in bonuses for the issue.

Updates and Missing Issues

This is only a partial database and there is missing any information prior to July 2021 (#519) issue. At this time we are not planning to update the previous backlog issues, but this could change in the future. As new issues of the magazine come out, this database will be updated with that information. There may be up to a 3 month delay in updating the database as other projects for Manga Properties may be taking a priority.

Database Usage

Please see our Usage and Citations page for more information if you want to use this resource for your own projects. This database is provided for historical and educational purposes with all copyrights of the original text owned by the original authors and Shogakukan.