Muddy Author Comments – Sho Aimoto

Weekly Shonen Jump

On the Table of Contents page for every issue of Weekly Shonen Jump, the authors of the currently serialized manga series can list a small message to the readers. There is typically only enough space for a sentence or two, but it allows for a little insight into the author’s daily life.

Later in 2024, we will be creating a huge database of these author comments, as often these older comments are never republished outside of the original issues of Weekly Shonen Jump in Japan. This will be similar to the Monthly Corocoro Comic Author Comment database we’ve recently published. While we work on this even more extensive project for Weekly Shonen Jump, we will occasionally post individual articles such as this to highlight some manga series and provide some additional background information related to the comments.

The Muddy (マディ) manga was created by Sho Aimoto (藍本松) and started as a oneshot in Issue #36-37 of Weekly Shonen Jump in 2007. It later was adapted into a full series in Weekly Shonen Jump starting with Issue #3 in 2008. The series ran for only 12 chapters and concluded in Issue #16 that same year. She would later return to the magazine with the series Hokenshitsu no Shinigami (保健室の死神) in Issue #41 in 2009. This later series would run for 87 chapters and end in 2011 Issue #29.

Author portrait from the Muddy oneshot
Author portrait from the Muddy serialization

The following is a listing of her comments from the Table of Contents page in Weekly Shonen Jump for both the oneshot and the serialization of the Muddy manga series. A rough English translation is also provided below along with some additional background information.

wdt_ID wdt_created_by wdt_created_at wdt_last_edited_by wdt_last_edited_at Chapter # Comment (English) Comment (Japanese) Year Issue # Release Date Notes
1 Andy 06/24/2024 09:04 PM Andy 06/24/2024 09:06 PM Oneshot I'm really grateful to Amano-sensei for helping me get to this point! I'll keep trying my best! ここ迄来るのに天野先生には本当にお世話になりました!これからも頑張ります! 2007 36-37 08/06/2007 In reference to Akira Amano, who was the creator of "Reborn!" where she worked for him as an assistant on that manga.
2 Andy 06/24/2024 09:04 PM Andy 06/24/2024 09:04 PM 1 I may still be a novice, but I will do my best to make it enjoyable for as many people as possible! Thank you for your continued support! 未熟な身ですが、一人でも多くの方に楽しんでいただけるよう頑張ります!今後ともよろしくお願いします! 2008 3 12/17/2007
3 Andy 06/24/2024 09:04 PM Andy 06/24/2024 09:04 PM 2 I got Asō-sensei's autograph through my editor's connections! Thank you very much!! I have it displayed in my workspace. 担当繋がりで麻生先生にSを戴きました!有難うございます!!仕事場に飾ってます 2008 4-5 12/25/2007 Potentially was Shuichi Aso, who was currently serialized in the magazine with "Boku no Watashi no Yusha Gaku" and whom she would later become friends with.
4 Andy 06/24/2024 09:04 PM Andy 06/24/2024 09:04 PM 3 Happy New Year! I have just started, but I'll work even harder this year! 明けましておめでとうございます!始まりたてですが今年は更に頑張ります 2008 6-7 01/04/2008
5 Andy 06/24/2024 09:04 PM Andy 06/24/2024 09:04 PM 4 I've finally replaced the cell phone I've been using since high school. It's the popular 905i! 実に高校生の頃から使っていた携帯をようやく買い替えました。今人気の905i! 2008 8 01/21/2008 Released under the FOMA brand with various different specs all which released around late November 2007.
6 Andy 06/24/2024 09:04 PM Andy 06/24/2024 09:04 PM 5 When I put in 4 different types of bath salts it turns into a complete mess. But the smell is amazing! 涼感入浴剤を使いきろうと4種類全部入れたら浴槽がカオスな事に。匂いがスゴい 2008 9 01/28/2008
7 Andy 06/24/2024 09:04 PM Andy 06/24/2024 09:04 PM 6 I was so nervous and humbled at the Jump New Year's party, and I was the first to get a bingo! I may have used up all my luck this year… 恐縮&緊張のJ新年会、ビンゴでまさかの一番乗り!今年の運使い切ったかも… 2008 10 02/04/2008 Every year the Jump editorial staff hold a party for all of the mangaka currently published in the magazine. There is typically various games and give-aways at the event.
8 Andy 06/24/2024 09:04 PM Andy 06/24/2024 09:04 PM 7 I ate fugu for the first time at the New Year's party at work! The single bites of sashimi were delicious… 職場の新年会で生まれて初めてフグを食べました!お刺身をガバッといくの最高… 2008 11 02/09/2008
9 Andy 06/24/2024 09:04 PM Andy 06/24/2024 09:04 PM 8 It's the season for chocolate lovers! I've tried lots of different kinds, but I prefer the Japanese-made chocolates! Cチョコレート好きには堪らない季節ですね!色々食べ比べするもののやっぱり日本製が好き 2008 12 02/18/2008
10 Andy 06/24/2024 09:04 PM Andy 06/24/2024 09:04 PM 9 I've wanted to play some sports recently. I want to roll around the gym and play some badminton! 最近凄くスポーツがしたいです。体育館転げ回りながらバドミントンをやりたい! 2008 13 02/25/2008
11 Andy 06/24/2024 09:04 PM Andy 06/24/2024 09:04 PM 10 I have a huge mouth ulcer right above my tooth! I never knew mouth ulcers could hurt so much… 歯の当たる位置に人生未曾有の特大口内炎が!口内炎がこれ程痛い物だったとは… 2008 14 03/03/2008
12 Andy 06/24/2024 09:04 PM Andy 06/24/2024 09:04 PM 11 I was on the fence about buying a PSP but I finally bought one! I always feel anxious when I make a big purchase… 買おうか迷ってたPSPを遂に購入!高額な買い物をする度に不安に襲われます… 2008 15 03/10/2008 PSP stands for PlayStation Portable, which released in Japan on December 11, 2004.
13 Andy 06/24/2024 09:04 PM Andy 06/24/2024 09:04 PM 12 Thank you for reading! I'm going to start replying to all the fan letters now. Please wait for me! お付き合い下さり有難うございました!今からFLの返事書きます。待ってて! 2008 16 03/17/2008