Welcome to Manga Properties

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Welcome to Manga Properties, a website focuses on looking at the stories behind manga.

While there can be lots of information about the most popular manga series and magazines, there is often information that goes completely un-noticed. Even the most popular manga magazine, Weekly Shonen Jump, has lots of details that have been overlooked.

Wikis can get edited or pieces of information deemed non-important. Social Media can be prone to negative comments and not allow for detailed stories. Locked away communities, like Discord, prevent archiving and searchability.

So this website has been created to do our part to record and document some of those gaps of information in a public, searchable, and archival manner. This website will remain ad free as the focus should be on the content and the information within.

With many other projects underway by the site owner, Andy, this website may not be frequently updated. However, when it is, we hope to provide interesting and unique content that can’t be easily found elsewhere on the internet.

The name of the website, “Manga Properties”, is based around the concept of looking at what makes up a manga. It’s not just the story itself, but the creators, the assistants, the magazines, the promotions… all of it are properties that make the manga unique.

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